15 Feb 2011

A Weird Little Song That I am Calling ‘Monster Shark’

Listen to it here

Or download it for free here

I spent an hour tonight trying to make a weird little song. I was going for a raw, unpolished feel that was kind of melodic and had some sort of ‘normalness’ to it (hence the same acoustic guitar riff being played throughout). Totally weird things can be cool but I like to blend reality with the surreal, I try to do the same things with my photography and illustrations. This was all one take tracks as I wanted it to be as ramshackled as possible without too much thought or over production (I feel that too much thought into things like this can ruin the outcome, fun and the challenge).

So Give it a listen. I will probably work on it more as there things I would like to change when I have time. In advance I will let you know that it is probably not good but was awesome fun creating it and getting this weird feeling that was with me all day off my chest.

This was made with old broken down instruments, a crappy microphone and free music software. It’s done all in one takes, is completely out of time, virtually nothing is in rhythm and nothing is played well, just the way I like it.

Process: This is for my friend who asked the process of recording this track, so here is how i did it (well kind of).

Instruments: Acoustic guitar, Violin (first time I have played or touched one really) and vocals.

Thinking about the process though I’m really not sure how I did it, it all happened so quickly and was pretty intuitive and I wasn’t thinking about anything. It was all recorded through the Zoom H1 recorder (which I was using as a mic and interface) and recorded in Audacity. I would simply record one instrument (started with the violin) then would mess around with it using EQ etc (spending a couple of mins on each track) then moving to the next one (next was the guitar riff, then vocal). I did mess around more with the vocal to get it weird enough. Basically that was it, think I ended up with around 6 tracks in the final song.

Hope this kind of helps out.


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