2 Jul 2011

Strathpeffer Weekend Slideshow

I went to Strathpeffer in Scotland for the weekend recently with my parents and Catriona's family. We climbed Ben Wyvis (well i did half) and we had a nice evening meal followed by a few drinks in the pub. It was good to see everyone again and it was good fun, really good to get out of the city and see some country side. I got to test out my new 16-35mm lens which was great for landscape shots and also got to use my 85mm f1.4 which is amazing for low light stuff in the pub. 

I didn't do too much to the photo's, I just converted some to black and white. Catriona has added 2 Iphone shots she took from the top, surprised the iphone can create such atmospheric images, think I need to get one. 

The music is just a random guitar part I recorded ages ago. I just found it on a hard drive so used it. It doesn't sound too good but I wanted some kind of music and why not use my own as its free (unless I sue myself). I couldn't find any free music that wasn't complete crap.

So for you who were there, enjoy the images and for those who weren't then this may not be too interesting


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