8 Jul 2011

Catriona Portrait (Testing Zuiko 100mm f2.8 on 5D mk 2)

Catriona shot in my small home studio using a Canon 5d mark 2 and a 100mm f2.8 Olympus Zuiko lens.

I have this olympus lens that I use on my old film camera the Olympus OM2n which gives some great quality and I have shot a lot of portraits with it on film in the past. I recently started to look into some portrait lenses for my digital set up (5D mark 2). I looked into the Canon ef 100mm f2.8 macro and the Canon ef 100mm f2. They are relatively inexpensive when it comes to good quality portrait primes and I would use either of them no problem and know that they would give great quality. Then I remembered I had this 100mm Zuiko lens so I bought a cheap adapter to get this on the 5D, I bought it from ebay for about £10. This is the first real test shots from it in a portraiture setting and from this image it looks like it works really well. This image is shot at 2.8 so the depth of field is pretty shallow and focused on her right eye (our left) and I really like how it rendered the image and I would be happy to use this in a professional setting. The only problem is though that it isn't that easy to hit focus spot on but I am going to buy an adapter with an autofocus conformation so that will resolve that problem. 

After this surprising experience I think I will look into trying out a zuiko 24mm f2.8 to see what the results from that are like as I would love an extremely compact wide angle that could fit in my pocket while out on a shoot rather than the very large 16-35 f2.8L which can get annoying having to carry around all day and I prefer primes anyway.  I may possibly sell my 16-35 f2.8 II L as I do really prefer primes for size and i've never really been a zoom guy but the 16-35mm image quality is great so I am caught in two minds. 

I'll keep updating the 100mm f2.8's images as I get through them, I want to really give it a good test before using it on a pro job. And possibly a zuiko 24mm f2.8 on a 5d mk 2 review soon. 


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