9 Nov 2010

New Camera (Canon 5D Mark 2)

Yesterday I purchased a 5D mark 2 and I could not be more excited. I had to sell my beloved 5D mark 1 to fund it but its worth it.

The 5D mark 2 has 21 megapixels and can out put huge files but I didn't buy it for this reason. I bought it for the movie mode (the great stills quality is just an amazing bonus). It has 1080p HD quality and you can achieve amazing depth of field
due to the full frame sensor. It has great low light qualities which is really important to me as I love the night and it's when I do a lot of my personal work.

I have always wanted to create visuals that can go with music. I have been a musician for around 10 years and always wanted to be a film maker so it was always my dream to get my hands on a camera like this that is so portable and stealthy. I love photography but there were times when a single image just won't cut it for me, I want more information, I wanted to see the other parts of the scene rather than the one still image. Sound and image are my passions and now I am capable of achieving this at a reasonable price.

I have many projects I want to pursue but for starters I am going to spend the next week getting to grips with shooting movies on this camera and researching the best camera stability and follow focus systems. I am looking into the red rock micro systems and the D-focus systems. I will write more on this at a later date once I have done more research. I will also do some reviews on the items that I do purchase in the future.

I am also looking to buy some new lenses to shoot both movies and stills. My first purchase will be the 24-70 f2.8 as it is the best a general lens to have in your kit, with its minimal distortion, great low light capabilities and outstanding image quality. I am also looking into a new prime, maybe the 85 f1.8 (would love the 1.2 but funds will not stretch for that right now) and also looking into a 70-200 f4IS or f2.8 but I will look further into that over the next few weeks. If anyone has any recommendations then leave a comment, I would really appreciate it.

Now its time to get playing with the camera and do a lot of research. Great blogs for movie making and gear reviews are:

Philip Bloom

Vincent Laforet

Chase Jarvis

There are many more that are escaping me just now.

These are some movies shot on the 5D Mark 2 that I found on youtube that I thought were pretty cool:

I will upload more later.

Time to get shooting.


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