20 Jul 2011

More Leica M8 Tests

This is some more images I shot with the Leica M8 I traded some old equipment for at the weekend. I still think I have to return it for some other equipment for my Canon 5D Mark 2 (maybe a couple of zeiss lenses) as the M8 a good a camera as it is just doesn't perform well enough in low light for my needs.

It does create some really nice images though when you keep it in the cameras lower ISO's, here are some recent shots.

The Paper Boy. 
The M8 Raw files out of the camera are great, very sharp, detailed and great contrast (could have something to do with the great 28mm zeiss lens too. 

Some dodgy goings on.
The M8 excels in shots like this, very small, light and quite quiet.

Late Night Cyclist.
ISO 2500 which in colour looks horrible but in Black and White and reduced in size it looks quite good.

Our friends from Malta came to Scotland for a Holiday.
Lovely detail captured by the M8 here.

Tonina Portrait. 
She is full of life.

Cat after a long hard day at work.
She still has a cool look even when she's not looking or feeling her best.

Postman Pat at Tesco's.

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