26 Jan 2011


UNDERCITY from Andrew Wonder on Vimeo.

I know that this has been online for a while now and that most people have probably seen it already but I just felt that I had to post it up here to let anybody that has not seen it yet to have the chance.

This short film by Andrew Wonder really had an impact on me. It inspired me to get out there with camera and to shoot a lot more video. Its amazing the lengths they go to in this to show you places and people that are otherwise forgotten, out of sight out of mind.

This is by far one of the best short films I have seen in a long time, I have watched it about four times now and not bored of it yet.

It really struck a cord with me as I love when something that is forgotten, decaying or simply overlooked is brought into the limelight and made centre stage. Also the simplicity of the tools used to film it was very refreshing: a Canon 5d mk 2, 24mm f1.4 (1st version), a zoom h4n and Zacuto rig for camera stability. This beats so many big budget films and documentaries hands down in my opinion and for a fraction of the budget.

I have since bought myself a Zoom H1 recorder for the sound in my videos and it is a great little device. The sound quality is great, it is very small and very easy to use (no menu's to sift through, all buttons are on the body. The build quality is not brilliant but for the price it is well worth it.

If you have not seen this video then check it out as it really is great watch and will only take half an hour of your time. Andrew Wonder has done a great job of getting out there and bringing this great footage to us viewers that we would otherwise never have had the pleasure to watch.

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