11 May 2010

Sandend Beach

This is a photograph i took the last time I was back in Sandend. Sandend is a small fishing village in the north east of scotland where I grew up. I now live in london which can be quite good but I really miss the fresh air and freedom of walking across this beach and the hills that surround it. I miss the sea and the peacefulness I feel when here. I like cities but I do feel they bring the worst out in people (and me), especially if your stuck in the people traffic in the centre of London a lot, nightmare to say the least. I will be going back to Sandend very soon for a week or two if all goes to plan, I want to relax and be stress free at least for a little while. I used to always pine to live in a big city and now I crave to see the country side, the sea, the trees, the hills, you can never win.

This photograph reminded me of how nice it is to be there.


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