14 May 2013

New website coming soon and a quick update of what's to come.

Hi folks! Just a quick update to let you all know that I am in the process of setting up a new website so the blog will be the only thing I'm updating for the next few weeks. I also have not been updating here too often the last year which is about to change as I have tons of new work and posts to upload here. I just wanted a new look and logo to match my style better as it has evolved over the last year or so.

I will also be doing more reviews of lenses, especially updates of my long suffering gear to see how they have held up with fairly heavy use a few years on. Particularly the Carl Zeiss lenses I own which has been a love/hate relationship to say the least, so keep an eye out for that in the very near future.

I am also starting to focus heavily on video work (short films,documentaries and music videos) which has been a fun transition and I am still learning much of the technical side of things but I have good feelings about the upcoming projects.

So this blog will now be my main output for the next while so keep checking back for more regular updates.

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or enquiries you can send me an email here: andrew@drewportfolio.com


Andrew Kelly!

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